Ithrekhi evunyelwe yamanzi
Ithrekhi evunyelwe yamanzi
Water-permeable Running track has excellent water permeability, moderate hardness and elasticity, stable physical properties, and excellent applicability in high humidity environment, which is beneficial to athletes' speed and technology, effectively improving their sports performance and reducing fall rate. Intengo yalolu hlobo lwendawo iphansi kakhulu, futhi impilo yenkonzo imvamisa yiminyaka engu-5-6.
Ithrekhi evunyelwe yamanzi | ||
Okokuhlinzwa eningi | / | I-Prime Binder |
Isendlalelo sesisekelo | 10mm | I-SBR Rubber Granules + PU BINTER |
Ungqimba olungaphezulu | 3mm | I-EPDM Rubber Granules + Pu Binder + Pigment Paste + Rubber Powder |
Bhala umyalezo wakho lapha bese usithumela kithi